Ok, so everyone who knows me, knows that I'm a big worrier ...and I had one big worry about moving into this amazing house, on this amazing street.
You may be asking yourself: "Paying the bills? Mowing the lawn? Not having enough money to go out to eat? Having to clean that whole place?"
No, no. My biggest fear...is the wildlife.
Please reference my new backyard:

To a city slicker like me, my backyard is basically the untamed wilderness. At the beginning of this process, I thought only of snakes. What if a snake comes into my backyard? How will I kill it? Could it possibly bite me, rendering me useless, left to writhe in pain and die in the backyard, alone and unable to call for help? So then I scoured the internet, trying to find ways of preventing snakes from entering my backyard.
Most feasible= snake repelling powder or planting chrysanthemums.
Oddest find= chopping garlic and brewing it into a tea and then pouring that around the yard.
I slowly started getting over my snake paranoia until one day when visiting the house.... guess what I see? A snake in the front yard! Luckily it had been killed thanks to the brave efforts of the construction crew. But nonetheless, it continued to breed fear in me and I thought it could never get any worse than a snake....
Until I read an article online about someone finding a 7 foot alligator in their backyard pool. In my city. In my neighborhood.
Fears renewed!
Roy: "Don't worry about alligators, its a fluke thing. They got rid of it, there are NOT alligators in our neighborhood."
Fastforward a few months... we decided to go for a walk (well, attempt to run/walk) in our neighborhood along this gorgeous trail.

Then.... I caught a glimpse of this sign.

me: "See Roy! There's a warning sign... there ARE alligators in the neighborhood! I was RIGHT!"
We took a brief stop to pose Kirby on a rock.

We then continued on our walk, with poor Roy listening to my chirping in his ear about how worried I was over alligators.
Roy: "Heidi, there are no alligators! They have to put that sign up just to cover themselves in case of liability.. blah, blah" (insert more important sounding lawyer terms)
Continue to walk and see a cute little bridge to cross. Start having a romantic moment, holding hands, talking about how amazing our neighborhood is.... until....
me: "look! down there! look! LOOK! I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes ladies and gentlemen.... there was an alligator!

Roy estimated the alligator to be about 4-5 feet long.
Me: "that's big enough to take a leg off... or eat Kirby!"
So. my fears have officially been renewed and my previous fear of snakes has now grown into a much bigger fear. After googling "How to escape an alligator attack", I found my plan...
Run away as fast as I can.