Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In our last visit to our lot, we found the plumbing lines have been laid out. We also noticed that an inspector had already been there, giving our plumbing a perfect "ok" score. I was looking for an exclamation point or perhaps a smiley face... but I had to settle for the sassy green marker.

Our lot is now slightly muddier, with a framed outline, some trenches, and some well placed pipes.

Roy trying to figure out where the plumbing pipes will lead to. Also trying to convince me that the duct tape on the pipes is only temporary. As he sniffed around, I decided to get into a bit more trouble...

Can you spot the future homeowner?


me: "Roy, so help me... if I see a snake, I will jump out of this thing SO fast!"
him: "this was your idea *shaking head*.... you do anything for a picture"
me: "hello!?!..... I'm blogging!"


  1. what a cute photo!

    the duct tape would alarm me, but surely it is fine...right? right?

    get out of that trench!

  2. Heidi -- please include more conversations between you and Roy. I find y'alls dynamic to be very entertaining! Seriously.

    Cute picture! It was worth the fear of snakes.

    And yes, the "sassy green marker" will have to do. Haha. Love that you called it "sassy."

    This whole process is so neat!

  3. The pictures are awesome! Once you start living in Bromley and are somewhat settled, you can go back to the pictures and create a pictorial timeline of his birth.

    Hmm..I think I have a real problem distancing myself from inanimate objects...
