When we last went to scope out Bromley's progress we saw that the windows were put in! I joyfully danced around the living room while my pessimistic counterpart (*ahem* Roy) stood scratching his chin over how hard it will be to clean all the windows. I've been blissfully ignoring any future thoughts of us needing to clean, and I see no shame in cleaning windows by occasionally spraying the hose at the second floor windows.

On to more important findings! It seems that among our construction workers, we have a hidden artist.
Exhibit 1. "The Doodle"

I found this happy face drawn on our soon-to-be island. Very original and I give bonus points for thinking to add ears. I wonder when and why this face was drawn... was it too hot to work? Was someone taking a well needed break? Is this a young man dying to go to art school but must work building houses to support his family? Either way, it takes a happy person to draw a happy face and I'm thrilled with the good karma going into our house.
Exhibit 2. "The Scooter"

No, I'm not joking. We found a homemade scooter in the garage.. what a find! I'm so impressed with the clever person that built a working scooter (of course I tried to ride it) out of house scraps! On to my next set of questions: Did the scooter builder make it for himself? Make it for his kids? Whatever the reason, I appreciate someone bringing a childlike sense of humor to their job. (This coming from the nurse who dances, yes dances a fool out of herself, everyday at work to make people laugh).
Now, I also wondered how this person (or multiple artists/scooter designers) have the energy to create such masterpieces all the while also trying to build a home. I have finally discovered their secret weapon:
I don't know what it is or why so yummy, but there are limes everywhere around my semi-built house! Discarded limes, fresh limes, limes from weeks ago that now appear dark brown and mushy. Are they eating these limes alone? Just sucking on them as they work? Putting them in their water? Squeezing them on their lunches? Throwing them at each other as they shingle the roof?
Questions unanswered... I know that the happy face, lime essence, and the fun of a scooter long gone will remain in our home long after our creative construction workers are finished.