Sunday, July 18, 2010

Big Step.

About a month ago, on June 13, Roy and I celebrated our one year anniversary (!!!). We've been casually looking at houses on and off for awhile, so we thought it would be a fun day to go and check out some model homes. As luck would have it, we found an amazing house - our dream home! We felt our hunt was over...after 6 months of house hunting, and 1 week of soul searching and rummaging in the couch cushions for loose change, we finally decided to build it!

The house is perfect and everything we were looking for. We were hoping for a wonderful home for our family to grow into, and we found it. I'm constantly daydreaming about snuggling in front of the fireplace, Kirby having a yard to run in, having plenty of space for entertaining friends, celebrating countless holidays with our family...and eventually turning one of the rooms into a nursery, and later hearing the pattering of little feet running up and down the hallways.

May this be the first of a lifetime of wonderful memories to come.

Standing in front of our lot! (soon to be front yard!)


  1. congratulations!
    this is such an exciting step. i cannot wait to see everything come together. enjoy the process of building a home. you've described the beginning so beautifully, i cannot wait to hear more.

  2. Hurray for a new entry after months of silence. Way to start it with a bang!

    I am beyond excited for you two!!! I cannot wait to see, hear, read everything about Bromley's progression.

    I can already see the beautiful home you will create. Collette's nursery will be absolutely gorgeous! I call dibs on your lovely home for the shower. :)
