So, off we went to Home Depot in search of a lawnmower!

There's nothing like wandering the aisles of Home Depot with a yummy sonic drink in hand. My pick: Lemonberry slush, extra berry.

So many options, so much money!

I thought something like this would be better, because we could mow the lawn and then also drive to the pool and pretend like its a 4 wheeler.
After Roy found his pick, we stopped off at the nursery.

And found some very pretty little flowers to add some pizazz to Bromley's lawn.

The pretty flowers were purchased to replace some very sad looking plants in our front yard. I think the plants are called "monkey grass".

I think they should be called "spider grass" or "creepy grass".

So our Sunday afternoon was spent with Roy mowing and myself digging and planting.

ta-da! Now the house looks just as pretty on the outside as on the inside!

And while we were cleaning up and I was watering my new flowers, we even got our first compliment from a friendly jogger!

Here's hopin' that the flowers continue to bloom!