Actually... More like Icemageddon...but I'm not one to be angry with the weatherman.
I had a great day today. Great in the sense that I didn't have to go to work (it was my day off, lucky for me because otherwise I would have been braving the mean streets with all the other poor souls that work in the medical field)... not so great that I feel like I have come down with the flu. On a positive note I've been able to spend the past 24 hours with my loves: Roy, dayquil, nightquil, and my death bed (ie. The couch).
Spending so much time on the couch today has made me think of several things..
1. I need to start hanging more stuff on the walls.
2. This couch is uncomfortable.
I'm planning on conquering #1 tomorrow if I'm feeling better and I'm still pondering #2... but then again, if you lay on anything all day- its not very comfortable.
In the meantime.... I've been eyeing some couches from Ikea. Surprisingly, the reviews are pretty good.
Famous last words, right?